Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I've started to make tapes again...

I don't know why I didn't think of this before. The weather has been terrible, and I haven't had much money lately for any last minute trips to Vegas (despite having the time.)
I made a tape last night, I intend to continue making more after I complete the rainy, snowy lap to work and back.

And that brings up another thought... Is it wrong to be really into dance party mix's and not into dancing?

Monday, October 12, 2009

First Mix Tape Party

THURSDAY October 22nd 8PM

Bring a mix tape.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The First Mix Tape Party!

* Wednesday October 21st, 2009 *
(Location and time coming soon...)

Start working on your mix tapes, let me know if you plan on submitting a tape so that I can get a total number of copies we need.

(Keep your eyes on ebay, I just got 60 blank tapes for 6 bucks!)

Welcome to Mix Tape Party

+ Welcome to Mix Tape Party!

Here's what's up, I don't want to make rules, but if I don't, then this will turn into some hippy trust fest. Don't be a hippy, your parents have money. Your doing well enough to read blogs.

...Smoke this blog hippy


1. You must have a cassette recorder/player.

2. You only need to bring ONE copy to the mix tape party.

3. Mix tapes must include a full album leaf, including, but not limited to, artist name, and song titles. Artwork and creativity are highly encouraged but not required.

4. If you don't bring any tapes, you can't leave with any tapes.

5. You don't have to be present to a Mix Tape Party to be in the mix tape club. Just get your tapes here before the party.
You can even mail them to me, I will mail all the copies to you after the party, its no big deal, tapes rule!

(If you live outside Richmond and want to be in Mix Tape Club, Let me know and I'll get you an address to mail your tapes.)

6. Tapes will be selected to play at each Mix Tape Club meeting based on a vote.

7. Did I mention this is mix CASSETTE TAPES ONLY! CD's will be scratched at the door you no talent wannabe old school hip hop DJ born in 1987!